On The Colorado


January 28, 2025
Oral History Program
by Tom Martin and John Weisheit
Interviews about the modern history of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau

November 10, 2024
The Looming Sediment Problem at Lake Powell and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
by John S. Weisheit
When will sediment compromise the superior mandates of water storage and flood control?

July 22, 2024
Lithium corporations pursue limited water supplies in the Colorado River Basin
by John S. Weisheit
Every new water diversion is a threat to sustainibility in the Colorado River Basin

July 14, 2024
The Industrialization of an original farming community in Emery County, Utah
by John S. Weisheit
The unending saga of speculation for the City of Green River

April 09, 2024
Dam safety concerns at Glen Canyon Dam
by John S. Weisheit
Glen Canyon Dam can only manage little droughts and little floods. When the big ones arrive, this dam will fail.

March 22, 2024
Bears Ears National Monument Resource Management Plan
by John S. Weisheit
June 11, 2024 is the date when the public comment period ends

March 06, 2024
Post-2026 EIS: Scoping for Reconsultation of Interim Guidelines
by John S Weisheit
We hope we are wrong, but we predict that this revised planning document will become another failure.

March 05, 2024
Our Analysis of 2023 Final Supplemental EIS for dam operations at Hoover and Glen Canyon
by John S. Weisheit
It is important to understand that the original plan of 2007 was to avoid an emergency water shortage situation.

February 29, 2024
Canyonlands National Park seeks public input on river management plan for the Green and Colorado rivers
by John S. Weisheit
Long awaited river management plan is now underway

January 30, 2024
Wyoming Dam Proposal on the Little Snake River at West Fork of Battle Creek
by John Weisheit
Building redundant dams for the last 120 years has not solved the water scarcity problem.

November 06, 2023
Final Supplemental EIS for Operations at Glen Canyon Dam
by John S. Weisheit
Revisiting Glen Canyon Dam's Long-term Experimental Management Plan (LTEMP)

September 11, 2023
White River and Wolf Creek Reservoir Storage Project Proposal
by John Weisheit
Off river storage project with pumpback hydropower facility

June 20, 2023
Water and Tribes Initiative: Conference of June 8th and 9th, 2023
by John S Weisheit
VIDEOS: Getches-Wilkinson Center; University of Colorado at Boulder

June 10, 2023
24-Month Study Reports for Colorado River Operations
by John Weisheit
Archive of monthly reports from the Bureau of Reclamation since 2007

March 14, 2023
The photographic history of construction at Glen Canyon Damsite - 1956 to 1966
by John S. Weisheit
A visual chronology of events to build redundant infrasructure for an overapproriated river basin.

January 27, 2023
Los Angeles Times: Colorado River in Crisis
by John S. Weisheit
Special features by staff from The Los Angeles Times

November 17, 2022
The 2023 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for operations at Glen Canyon Dam and Hoover Dam
by John S. Weisheit
The anticipated emergency plan for dam operations has arrived

November 04, 2022
In the US Supreme Court: Arizona et al. vs Navajo Nation
by John S. Weisheit
Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Navajo Nation and then the dominant society petitioned the high court to grant oral arguments

November 01, 2022
Part One: Citizen and Professional Science in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
by John S. Weisheit
Low reservoir elevations at Lake Powell provide repeat photographic opportunities and reservoir sediment science

October 23, 2022
Part Two: Citizen and Professional Science in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
by John S. Weisheit
Low reservoir elevations at Lake Powell provide repeat photographic opportunities and reservoir sediment science

October 21, 2022
Part Three: Citizen and Professional Science in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
by John S. Weisheit
Low reservoir elevations at Lake Powell provide repeat photographic opportunities and reservoir sediment science

September 13, 2022
The seven states have surrendered to a no action policy at a critical time in the history of the Reclamation Era
by John S. Weisheit
System collapse is now a possiblity.

June 23, 2022
Reclamation announces a public opportunity: prepare prescoping comments to develop new operating criteria for the Colorado River Basin
by John S. Weisheit
It is important for the public to understand that the promises of the 2007 plan have failed at every level

January 01, 2022
2022: The Year of Decision?
by John S. Weisheit
Analysis of the DROA Process: Poor management, over-consumption and climate disruption collided in Year 2021.

July 26, 2021
Part One A: Preparing Comments for Public Participation During the Reconsultation of Interim Guidelines
by John S. Weisheit
NEWS AND OPINIONS BY DATE about the troubled waters in the Colorado River Basin

July 25, 2021
Part One B: Preparing Comments for Public Participation During the Reconsultation of Interim Guidelines
by John Weisheit
NEWS AND OPINION BY SUBJECT about the troubled waters in the Colorado River Basin

July 24, 2021
Part Two: Preparing Comments for Public Participation During the Reconsultation of Interim Guidelines
by John S. Weisheit
Narratives: Old and New

July 23, 2021
Part Three: Preparing Comments for Public Participation During the Reconsultation of Interim Guidelines
by John S. Weisheit
The Physical and Social Sciences

July 13, 2021
Part Four: Preparing Comments for Public Participation During the Reconsultation of Interim Guidelines
by John S. Weisheit
Solutions, Climate Adaptation, Sustainibility and Resilence

February 22, 2021
Preparing Comments for Public Participation During the Reconsultation of Interim Guidelines
by John Weisheit
Will the movement to make communities and ecosystems sustainable in the Colorado River Basin prevail?

January 03, 2021
The Documents for the 7D Review of 2007 Interim Guidleines
by John Weisheit
The actvities related to compliance of the 2007 Record of Decision

January 01, 2021
Film: The Unfinished Fight Of Seldom Seen Sleight
by John Weisheit
A documentary about Ken Sleight, the senior river activist on the Colorado River

December 09, 2020
Cove Reservoir Dam and Reservoir Project
by John Weisheit
Yet another water grab by Kane County Water Conservancy District

September 24, 2020
Water Right Hearing for the Lake Powell Pipeline in Washington County
by John Weisheit
Renewal of Application to Appropriate

September 18, 2020
Colorado River System Mid- to Long-term Projections
by John Weisheit
Reservoir conditions for Lakes Powell and Mead fom 2018 to 2025

August 04, 2020
Part Two: Lake Powell Pipeline Project's Administrative Record, Beginning in Year 2019
by John Weisheit
Part One can be found below

August 01, 2020
Another Water Grab by Utah in the West Desert
by John Weisheit
Compromising groundwater management plans in Utah

June 11, 2020
Lake Powell Pipeline Project Draft Environmental Impact Study
by John Weisheit
90 day public comment period ends September 8, 2020

February 21, 2020
The many conversations in the Colorado River Basin to prepare for different reservoir operations by 12/31/2025
by John Weisheit
The pathway that is warming the ocean and atmosphere requires a change of course for Colorado River management.

December 08, 2019
Part Two: Paradox Valley Salinity Control Unit DEIS & public comments
by John Weisheit
Part Two: The administrative history of Paradox Salinity Control Program

December 05, 2019
Reclamation announces scoping for Lake Powell Pipeline Project
by John Weisheit
Comment period is only 30 days ends at Midnight on Friday, January 10, 2020

September 26, 2019
FERC grants two Preliminary Permits for two dams in gorge of Little Colorado River and two dams on rim's bench
by John Weisheit
The applicant is Pumped Hydro Storage, LLC at Phoenix, AZ

September 23, 2019
Part One: The Administrative Record for the Lake Powell Pipeline Project
by John Weisheit
The story of a 60-year old project that just can't carry what it has lifted.

August 18, 2019
Administrative Record of Long Term Experiental and Management Plan for Glen Canyon Dam Operations
by John Weisheit
December 2005 to January 2016

August 06, 2019
Uinta Basin Railway Environmental Impact Statement
by John Weisheit
Proposal to construct a railroad to transport Utah's fossil fuel reserves to markets

June 26, 2019
Final Green and Colorado Comprehensive Management Plan Development and Mineral Leasing Plan
by John Weisheit
The Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands is developing the first comprehensive management plans for sovereign land sections of the Colo­rado and Green Rivers

January 07, 2019
Army Corps of Engineers accepting public comments for Lake Powell Pipeline
by John Weisheit
Compliance to 404 Permitting Process

October 22, 2018
The Water Rights of Central Utah Project, including Ultimate Phase
by John Weisheit
Sorting out a very complicated system of water rights in Utah begins here

October 16, 2018
Compilation of Graphics about Colorado River Resources and its Management
by John Weisheit
Graphics by various organizations and institutions

October 15, 2018
The Administrative Record of Interim Guidelines
by John Weisheit
A chronology and information for the reconsultation of Interim Guidelines on January 1, 2021

October 12, 2018
Fontenelle Dam and Reservoir
by John Weisheit
An earthen dam on the Upper Green River and the

September 18, 2018
Green River Block Environmental Assessment for a Federal Water Contract with Eastern Utah Counties
by John Weisheit
Yet another proposed diversion for water that only exists on paper

August 24, 2018
Water Quality and Limnology On the Colorado River
by John Weisheit
As reservoir levels diminish, so does water quality

August 22, 2018
Lake Powell Pipeline Permitting Process is Renewed
by John Weisheit
Utah Water Resources Board submits request to FERC for reinstatement

July 11, 2018
Proposal for Transfer of Federal Land Parcels in Uintah County to State of Utah
by John Weisheit
SITLA petitions BLM for Oil Shale Property surrounding Enefit Property

July 09, 2018
New Mexico Unit of Central Arizona Project: Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement, Gila River and San Francisco River
by John Weisheit
Yet another proposed diversion for water on paper

June 28, 2018
Proposal to amend the Arizona Strip Resource Management Plan (RMP)
by John Weisheit
Evaluation of the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline route in the Kanab Creek Area of Critical Environmental Concern

June 07, 2018
Drought Contingency Planning in the Colorado River Basin
by John Weisheit
A document archive for a plan that is now three years overdue and counting

June 05, 2018
Water Horse Resource's Export Application for Proposed Water Pipeline from Utah to Colorado's Front Range
by John Weisheit
Aaron Million's third attempt to delliver water for growth in the drainage of the Mississippi River

May 18, 2018
BLM releases Final EIS for Enefit America's Utility Corridor to Mine and Process Oil Shale
by John Weisheit
Oil shale processing will load the atmosphere with huge amounts of carbon dioxide emissions

December 26, 2017
Lake Powell Pipeline Approved for Environmental Analysis (Temorarily Suspended)
by John Weisheit
Public comment period ends March 26 (date to be revised). Helpful comments provided here for citizen participation

January 13, 2017
Paleoflood Analysis of the Colorado River Basin
by John Weisheit
A look at slack water deposits, driftwood, tree ring data, atmospheric rivers and streamflow gages

January 05, 2017
Moab Master Leasing Plan: A Document Archive
by John Weisheit
Bureau of Land Management Record of Decision and Final Environmental Impact Statement

September 06, 2016
The Little Colorado River & Coconino Plateau
by John Weisheit
A watershed of great diversity and culture

June 21, 2016
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for New Federal Coal Leasing Program
by John Weisheit
Interior plans to slightly reform the nation's coal leasing program

March 03, 2016
The Utah CIB and a Public Give-Away
by Bill Rau
This paper describes what is known or can be implied from public documents about the processes that led to granting of the $53 million loan by the CIB

February 08, 2016
Carbon Tax and Trading
by John Weisheit
How it works and why it fails

January 25, 2016
Glen Canyon Dam Final EIS released after a six-year delay
by John Weisheit
This experimental management plan maintains the status quo and fails to address the ecosystem dysfunction in Grand Canyon

June 29, 2015
Document archive for the Next Step Committees & Public Comment Period
by John Weisheit
Moving Forward Program with the Colorado River Basin Supply and Demand Study

February 28, 2015
The 70-year Administrative Record of Impending Water Shortages and the Failure to Act Appropriately
by John Weisheit
Backwards planning: managing the end of the pipe and not the beginning

February 26, 2015
Lake Mead Will Go Dry
by John Weisheit
On the threshold of a predicted collapse of the Colorado River hydro-society

December 15, 2014
The Eastern Utah County Coalition for the Development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure
by John Weisheit
Proposal by public servants using public funds for corporate aid

August 23, 2014
Favorite Documents: On The Colorado Website
by John Weisheit
These documents have priceless information about the Colorado River Basin

June 27, 2014
Scholarly Reviews of Governance on the Colorado River
by John Weisheit
Here you will find links to papers written by attorneys

February 05, 2014
Gray Canyon Energy Proposes a Refinery at the City of Green River, Utah
by John Weisheit
Project previously called Iron Fox Refinery and next to a defunct refinery

January 15, 2014
The Bishop Process: Eastern Utah Public Lands Exchange Proposal for Wilderness and Mineral Extraction
by John Weisheit
Where the tributaries of the Colorado River gather, the industrialization of eastern Utah begins

January 08, 2014
Refineries in the Clorado River Basin and within its water service districts
by John Weisheit
Refineries use about 1 to 2.5 gallons of water for every gallon of product

January 08, 2014
Selenium Control Program for Eastern Utah
by John Weisheit
State agencies are concerned about water quality issues for the Colorado River

November 24, 2013
Long Canyon Hydropower Pumpback Project
by John Weisheit
Peaking hydropower generation project proposal in Grand County

November 22, 2013
Potash Development Proposals Adjacent to Arches and Canyonlands National Park
by John Weisheit
A speculator's conundrum: lot's of potash, but no water for solution mining.

November 06, 2013
Green River Refinery Proposed for Emery County near Green River, Utah
by John Weisheit
Project will refine unconventional fuels from the strip mining of rocks bearing kerogen and bitumen

November 01, 2013
White River Flow Recommendations and Programmatic Biological Opinion
by John Weisheit
US Fish and Wildlife Service to develop and implement a White River Management Plan for proposed development of unconventional energy fuels

October 18, 2013
Enefit's Utah Oil Shale Project near the White River: An Environmental Impact Statement
by John Weisheit
Mining and processing operation will impair the White River and significantly increase air pollution

October 18, 2013
Red Leaf Resources' Eco-Shale Project in Eastern Utah
by John Weisheit
This proposed kerogen mining project will likely emit more greenhouse gas per barrel than any other unconventional fuel project in the world

June 04, 2013
Asphalt Ridge Leasing of Federal Lands for Proposed Tar Sands Strip Mining Operations
by John Weisheit
The edge of the oil patch will now border the city limits of Vernal, UT

June 02, 2013
The Administrative Record Regarding the Proposed Mining of Tar Sands in Eastern Utah
by John Weisheit
This campaign for climate justice in the Colorado River basin is now four years old

May 29, 2013
Green River Tusher Wash Diversion Dam Rehabilitation Project
by John Weisheit
Natural Resources and Conservation Service initiates Environmental Impact Statement

December 12, 2012
USBR's Demand and Supply Study for the Colorado River Basin of 2012
by John Weisheit
How to make the Colorado River more vulnerable than it already is

November 09, 2012
Oil Shale and Tar Sands Final PEIS Issued in November & Protests issued in December
by John Weisheit
Bureau of Land Management places a priority research and development, but and oil shale & tar sand development will be catastrophic to air and water resources.

November 07, 2012
Energy Fuels' Piñon Ridge Uranium Mill Proposed for Paradox Valley
by John Weisheit
Document Archive of administrative hearing of Sheep Mountain Alliance et al v. Energy Fuels

October 15, 2012
Part One: Public Scoping for Salinity Control in the Paradox Valley
by John Weisheit
Part One: The administrative History of Paradox Salinity Control Program

March 19, 2012
GASCO's proposed watershed invasion of Desolation Canyon
by John Weisheit
BLM poised to allow drilling for oil and gas adjacent to the corridor of the Green River

October 18, 2011
Glen Canyon Dam Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan & Environmental Impact Statement
by John Weisheit
The Bureau of Reclamation and the National Park Service will prepare an environmental impact statement for operations at Glen Canyon Dam

September 02, 2011
Clark, Lincoln, and White Pine Counties Groundwater Development Project
by John Weisheit
The Draft EIS comment period has been extended to October 11, 2011

August 10, 2011
Administrative Record of Mining Oil Shale Deposits in Eastern Utah
by John Weisheit
The mining and processing of a low-value waxy kerogen is water and energy intensive

August 03, 2011
Flaming Gorge Pipeline Documents
by John Weisheit
The Regional Watershed Supply Project (RWSP) and permit application by Million Conservation Resource Group

July 28, 2011
Public scoping meetings for the Department of Energy Uranium Leasing Program
by John Weisheit
Lawsuit generates a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

May 05, 2011
Oil Shale and Tar Sands Programmatic EIS by the Bureau of Land Management
by John Weisheit
At risk are 2 million acres that will consume land, water and energy resources in a watershed that has nothing left to give

March 21, 2011
Lake Powell Pipeline Documents
by John Weisheit
Draft Study Reports to the FERC Commission for the Lake Powell Hydroelectric Project No. 12966

December 18, 2010
The Hoover Dam Documents
by John Weisheit
The Law of the River as an ongoing chronology and listing of legal documents pertaining to the management of the Colorado River

November 19, 2010
Who Will We Blame When the Tap Runs Dry?
by Emily Brophy
The Southwest faces climate change and unsustainable growth, as water managers fail to institute timely policies for thrift and conservation 

June 17, 2010
Strip Mining for Tar Sands Proposed in Canyon Country
by John Weisheit
The Uinta Basin watershed is not a sacrifice zone for the corporations of dirty oil production

June 03, 2010
Ultimate Phase Water Rights Stored at Flaming Gorge Reservoir
by John Weisheit
The story of a paper water right looking for wet water projects and the billions that will be spent to chase it

May 18, 2010
Blue Castle Holdings: Nuclear power proposal along the Green River in Utah
by John Weisheit
Blue Castle Holdings is the rising mountebank of the Colorado Plateau

April 11, 2010
The One-Dam Solution
by John Weisheit
Proposed strategy for managing the Colorado River and the aquifers of the seven basin states

February 08, 2010
The Lake Powell Research Project
by John Weisheit
Natural and social sciences bear on the general problem of the effects and ramifications of water resource management in the Lake Powell region

January 16, 2010
The Water Imbalance of the Colorado River Basin
by john weisheit
Water security in the West is not achievable if water greed continues to dominate the political landscape

August 19, 2009
Adaptive Management Program Documents for Operations at Glen Canyon Dam
by John Weisheit
A project to provide a more complete and user-friendly archive of public documents for people concerned about impairment of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park

March 17, 2009
Rainbow Bridge National Monument and Navajo Mountain, Utah
by John Weisheit
An irreplaceable natural wonder and sacred site remains encroached upon by Glen Canyon Dam's reservoir, Lake Powell.

January 23, 2009
The Powell Survey of the 1870s: Art & Science from the Saddle
by John Weisheit
For John Wesley Powell, the foot outperformed the river boat for scientific accomplishments.

January 01, 2009
The Endangered Fish of the Colorado River Basin
by John Weisheit
Bureaucratic bean counting is why these fish suffer.

November 04, 2008
Aquifer Recharge, Storage and Recovery
by john weisheit
A solution for storing surplus water from the Colorado RIver

October 23, 2008
Coal-burning Power Plants of the Colorado River Basin
by john weisheit
The Colorado Plateau takes the brunt of coal-fired pollution from existing and proposed power plants.

October 03, 2008
A Legal History of Operations at Glen Canyon Dam
by John Weisheit
A chronology about the struggle for the Bureau of Reclamation and the Department of Interior to be compliant with federal law.

September 09, 2008
The Colorado River Research Program
by John Weisheit
Initiated in 1973 by the National Park Service, a systematic approach studies the human-caused impacts to Grand Canyon.

August 27, 2008
Escalante National Monument: a history of the first proposal
by John Weisheit
Roosevelt and Truman administrations tried to protect San Juan, Glen, Narrow and Cataract canyons in SE Utah

August 21, 2008
The Beginning Years of the Adaptive Management Program for operations at Glen Canyon Dam
by John Weisheit
A chronology with links about the history of initiating an adaptive management scheme, with the intent to improve the values of Grand Canyon National Park

May 06, 2008
Announcing: Scoping of environmental issues for the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline Project in Utah and Arizona.
by The editors
Proposed pipeline to deliver overallocated Colorado River water uphill to the sprawling cities in southwestern Utah.

April 25, 2008
Towing icebergs to San Pedro: Augmenting dwindling water supplies
by john weisheit
Colorado River water users to start engineering fixes that are trade offs for more consumption

April 13, 2008
Rearranging deck chairs at Glen Canyon Dam
by John Weisheit
Interior is advancing falsehoods, stalling, obstructing, and wasting public funds just like corporate polluters.

February 19, 2008
Lake Mead Will Go Dry
by John Weisheit
Find out for yourself with the user friendly Colorado River Open Source Simulator

February 09, 2008
Announcing: public comment period on operations of Glen Canyon Dam
by the editors
Reclamation releases Environmental Assessment for public comment on proposed high-flow and steady flow experiment on the Colorado River

February 05, 2008
Las Vegas: Mirage in the Mojave
by Emily Underwood
Billy Vassiliadis and Pat Mulroy jeopardize not only the interests of those who currently must make a living in Las Vegas, but also those who will have to live there in the future

December 17, 2007
Colorado River Shortage Agreement Falls Short
by john weisheit
The water agreement signed last week by Interior Secretary Kempthorne and the seven states of the Colorado River basin is not a heroic achievement at all.

December 08, 2007
Pipe Dreams and Schemes: Escalating Costs for Diminishing Returns
by John Weisheit
Current and proposed water projects are incredibly expensive, micromanage dwindling water resources, and will ensure financial burden and resource dependency for consumers.

November 30, 2007
Hydropower is likely to have no future on the Colorado
by John Weisheit
Hydropower is touted as clean and renewable. It is neither. It is also touted as being productive, yet hydropower revenues have fallen to the wayside as a consequence of persistant drought and overconsumption.

November 17, 2007
California Coastal Commission tentatively okays seawater desalination plant
by John Weisheit
The quest for augmenting and conserving water supplies to fuel more sprawl has become redundant and absurd.

November 14, 2007
OTC launches new Colorado River Simulator
by John Weisheit
With reservoirs lowering, climate change concerns growing, many are asking not if Colorado River water users are heading toward serious shortages, but when. The answers are now just a few keystrokes away.

November 13, 2007
Desolation Canyon: History along the Green River
by James Aton
A significant contribution to the history of the Green River will be published in 2009 by Utah State University Press, which will include a DVD film of the oral history project for this book.

November 02, 2007
Reclamation Issues Final EIS for Colorado River Operations under Low Reservoir Conditions
by John Weisheit
Reclamation announces the release of its proposed management plan (Shortage Criteria) for public review, which is a component of the coordinated long-range operations of Lake Powell and Lake Mead.

November 01, 2007
A New and Interactive Web Site Tracks Drought
by John Weisheit
The U.S. Drought Portal was officially launched on November 1, 2007. It was created to provide comprehensive information on emerging and ongoing droughts, and to enhance the nation's drought preparedness.

October 17, 2007
The Colorado Riverbed Case, 1929-1931
by John Weisheit
The Colorado Riverbed Case is the largest known oral history of the people who personally navigated the Colorado River basin in Utah prior to 1929. This extremely rare testimony is now on the worldwide web.

October 01, 2007
A Washington Post Article Lauds Wiki Page by River Runners for Wilderness
by Tom Martin
This new wiki page on the World Wide Web provides resources for individuals who want to prepare for their own self-supported Colorado River trip down the Grand Canyon.


Dam Operations
Public Notices


Back of Beyond Books
Barbara Anne Morra Memorial
Canyon Country Rising Tide
Canyonlands Watershed Council
Celebrating the Grand Canyon
Center for Biological Diversity
Colorado River Connected
Colorado Riverkeeper
Corey Allen Hale Memorial
Dive Into Democracy
Five Quail Books
Frank West Bering, Jr. Memorial
Friends of the Earth
Going Solar
Great Basin Water Network
Green River Action Network
Holiday River Expeditions
Las Vegas Water Defender
Living Rivers
New Belgium Brewing Company
O.A.R.S White Water Rafting
Paul Henderson Memorial
Peaceful Uprising
People's Energy Movement
Resource Renewal Institute
Returning Rapids Project
Rig To Flip
River Runners for Wilderness
Save The Colorado
Serena Supplee Gallery
Sheep Mountain Alliance
Steaming Bean Coffee Company
Tom Till Photography
Upper Colorado River Watershed Group
Upper Green River Network
Uranium Watch
Utah Rivers Council
Utah Tar Sands Resistance
Wabi Sabi
Waterkeeper Alliance

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